Do you know the complaint ...

Publié le par amarula


Do you know the complaint

of the Indian summer lady


     ... sweating out on her skiing machine her worries about going to work every morning,

 lamenting about her friends so far away, her so absent-minded lovers, the gift to find for the next birthday party,

 her dog to walk every sunrise, her weight to check every three hundred grams, also upset with a life full of incertainties, courtesy of the terrorists,

 full of unrewarded efforts, courtesy of an ungrateful child (faster, Laurinha says next to her, we cannot get "BBC food"),

 full of frustrations, courtesy of the sharks in the sea, full of tempting delicacies, courtesy of the French baker next door,

 but also full of poison, courtesy of the cocktails those male-doctors give her just to turn her into an hyperactive beast ? 

I’m kidding 

(or am I ? )


Publié dans habarizaleo

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